Data Set for Multi-Aspect Review Assignment Evaluation
This is a data set for evaluating multi-aspect review assignment created by Maryam Karimzadehgan and ChengXiang Zhai of the TIMan group at UIUC.
To download this data set, click here to download the zip file.
It contains the following data:
- Directory "CollectionBase": Each file in this directory is the abstracts of publications by a candidate
- File "queryAbstract.txt": This file has the abstracts of all the papers to be reviewed.
- Directory "RelevenceJudgement": This directory has the following 3 files:
- "Aspects.txt": This file lists all the topic aspects.
- "queryAspects.txt": This file has all the judgments about the topic aspects each candidate reviewer is able to review.
- "Reviewers.txt": This file has all the judgments about the topic aspects covered by each paper to be reviewed.
Contact: Maryam Karimzadehgan (mkarimz2 AT uiuc DOT edu)